IN the latest of NIGAG's Meet the Ministers events, Minister for Employment and Learning, Sir Reg Empey, addressed NIGAG members at Parliament Building's Long Gallery.
Below is the DEL press release for the event.
Sir Reg Empey today set out the key priorities for, and challenges facing, Northern Ireland’s employment and learning agenda.
Speaking to the Northern Ireland Government Affairs Group, Sir Reg drew attention to the vital importance of the economy to delivering a peaceful, fair and prosperous society.
He emphasised the significance of providing Northern Ireland’s workforce with the skills needed to meet the demands of a modern economy and tackling the problem of high economic inactivity amongst people of working age in Northern Ireland
Sir Reg said: “We will need more people in work and more people equipped with the skills for the economy of the future, skills that can transfer and be built on as the years go by. If we are going to compete internationally, people will need to be encouraged to learn throughout their working lives and given the education and training opportunities to help them get a well paid, fulfilling job.
“I want to help unlock the talent in the people in our community and enable them to make the most of the potential they have by focusing on their individuality and improving their motivation. If we do this I believe we will go a long way to creating the sort of economy and society we all want to see.”
1. The Northern Ireland Government Affairs Group (NIGAG) was formed in September 1999 with a view to providing a forum for those with an interest in government and political affairs in Northern Ireland.
2. Sir Reg was speaking at one of NIGAG’s meetings in its “Meet the Ministers” programme.
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